Last fall I was first introduced to "Ghost Radar", a new, free app that can be downloaded onto your smart phone. I was a bit skeptical of it at first, thinking it was just a hokey "game" of some sort.
We had other folks on the tour with Ghost Radar in January and February, and the more we worked with it, the more intrigued we became. It is used like an EMF Reader (Electro-Magnetic Field), it detects energy fields (shown as orbs on the radar screen). It also works like an EVP Recorder, it detects words that are "heard" by the phone and displays the word on the screen.
I can report some really amazing occurrences on the Haunted Hannibal tours using Ghost Radar in Old Baptist Cemetery. One lady wearing a Cubs t-shirt repeatedly had the word "Baseball" appear (as if the spirit close to her could see what she was wearing!) We had one screen showing six orbs all at once and the word "Family" appeared. A woman who was a cancer survivor had the Ghost Radar flash "Cancer", "Victory", "Celebrate", and "Fine" as she walked through the cemetery...
We now encourage guests on our tours to download the app and try it for themselves -- used in conjunction with our dowsing rods, it is even more fun to try to pinpoint the source of paranormal energy detected in the cemetery. Try it for yourself, and feel free to email me with your thoughts on this fun new Paranormal Investigating Tool!
For more information on "How Ghost Radar Works", visit the website, one of the app's creators.