As you scroll down through the posts on this website you'll notice that many of them are about Old Baptist Cemetery. This might be because we spend more time there than we do any other part of the tour...but I believe it is also because there is so much energy out at the old graveyard. We have probably had 600 tours at Old Baptist in the past two years, and hundreds of people have detected paranormal activity while roaming around the old graves.
Last night was no exception...we had two tours, one at 5pm and one at 7pm, and it was very cold, around 30 degrees. I was out at Old Baptist with the second tour sometime around 8:15pm, and although it was pitch black and chilly, we could still detect all kinds of energy as we roamed around the graves.
One of the guests on our tour, Frank, was close by me with his dowsing rods and suddenly I realized it had become considerably colder where I was standing. I called Frank over and asked him if he felt it, too...and then we realized we could see each other's breath as we talked. There was no question that we were standing near a cold spot...and as confirmation, Frank's dowsing rods began to pull towards the cold! We asked if the presence were male (crossed rods) or female (open rods) and the rods crossed. Then we asked if he was buried at Old Baptist, and the rods crossed again for a "yes". I then asked the spirit if he could lead Frank to where he was buried...and suddenly the cold spot disappeared! Also, as soon as the cold spot moved away, we could no longer see our breath as we spoke! We later felt the cold spot a few feet away, but it quickly disappeared again when we tried to ask another question. I wonder now if the energy was physically trying to pull us toward where he was buried; when I asked it to show us, I was thinking the spirit would move the dowsing rods but maybe he was actually moving toward his grave and expecting us to follow...?
I still find it a bit hard to believe that we are out at this old cemetery in the dark and surrounded by spirits...but folks, I've been out there too many times, and I've experienced too many cold spots and other paranormal occurrences -- I am convinced that something out there is present.
I'll never forget an experience I had on a tour early last year. There was a young lady named Samantha visiting us from Arizona. She was in her teens, very quiet and shy, very introverted. She never spoke the entire time we were on our tour, never even talked while we were walking around Old Baptist.
After the tour was over, she and her father came back into our shop on Main Street and I noticed her father was nudging her over to me. She quietly walked up to me and whispered, "My father wanted me to tell you that you're right about Old Baptist Cemetery."
"What do you mean?" I asked. "Do you have information about Old Baptist?"
She answered, "You are right about there being ghosts at the cemetery."
She went on to explain that she has been able to see ghosts since she was a little girl. Her father nodded his head in agreement. She seemed to be a bit burdened by this ability and was uncomfortable talking about it.
"So you saw ghosts while we were at Old Baptist?" I asked. Samantha said, "Many." I then asked, "Okay, now when you say 'many', are you talking five, or are you talking fifty...?"
Samantha paused for a moment, looking up at the ceiling to think, and then said, "I'd say at any given time there are fifteen to twenty."
I was giving another tour in the afternoon late last summer and felt a cold spot next to me. I started to explain to the group about cold spots, and suddenly a man spoke up and said, "I'm not surprised you feel the cold, there's a ghost standing next to you." He then went on to describe a young lady with a short hairdo...I nearly jumped out of my skin!
I must tell you I am SO JEALOUS of those gifted with the ability to "see" these spirits...Oh, if only I were a clairvoyant and could see these energies for myself! But of course, you'd still be skeptical unless you could see them for
Until then, I'll enjoy just knowing the cold spots at Old Baptist like to follow me around!