Stories abound of mysterious noises, paranormal photographs, and actual ghost sightings inside Mark Twain Cave. Last summer, this very unusual orb was captured on film by a guest...
Here's a close-up of the orb -- doesn't it look like a skull inside the orb???
We recently received an interesting email from a guest who was on our Haunted Hannibal tour in October, here's her report:
"Me and my friend were on your tour on the 15th of October, the 9:00 one...My friend had never been to Hannibal before and wanted to go to the Mark Twain Cave. As we bought out tickets we joked about seeing a ghost. On the tour the guy pointed out which room the girl had been in [McDowell's Chamber, where Dr. McDowell placed the copper cylinder containing his daughter's corpse to see if her body could be preserved]. As the tour moved on something caught my eye and I had to go look. What I saw was a young girl with dark hair...she didn’t look at me she was looking down. Then I saw what looked like someone offering her a hand to take...Just thought I would share that with you. Feel free to share that story if you want. V. Powell"
We're not surprised...! And this story is very consistent with similar stories we've heard about a sighting of a little girl near McDowell's Chamber, stories we've heard from multiple, unrelated sources.
Thanks so much for sharing your photos and stories, they're so amazing and so much fun to share with all our friends!