For those of you who have taken the Haunted Hannibal Ghost Tour, you know that the Garden House B&B is haunted...named one of the ten best places in the country to sleep with a ghost by the NBC Today show...and that the Today show cameras tried to shoot footage in the attic space, but the camera kept losing battery and shutting down in a certain area of the attic.
Tammy Lyons was a guest on our tour and took this photo of the Garden House. If you look very carefully in the close-up of the attic window on the north side of the house (the right side of the photo), there seems to be a man's face peering around the right side of the window. WOW!
We also heard from Marty and Deb Oexner who spent the night at the Garden House in the South room. Here's what they reported in an email sent to me last week:
"We stayed at the Garden House in the South Room over October 8-10. We took your tour that Friday night and I was the husband Lisa told she would drop the Garden House from the tour [his wife didn’t know the house was haunted and we didn’t want to scare her], but my wife wanted to know if the Garden House was haunted or not so you did that part too.
"Anyway, the first night there, Deb woke me right after 3 am in the morning and said she woke up and couldn't sleep. I actually had to stand in the hall while she went to the bathroom...At 3:04 am I woke up out a deep sleep (not like me) and asked Deb if she shut off the fan (the room had a tower fan on the floor). She said no, but when I checked the fan was off and I had turned it on before we went to bed. When I told Chris about it and that we both had woken up shortly after 3 am, he said most people who have experiences there have them between 2-3 am."
Marty also sent a photo of an orb he took inside the Garden House, but unfortunately I was not able to get it to upload to the blog. :(
Thanks so much to everyone who emails us with stories and photos, its fun to hear other's experiences and to be able to share the information with our blog friends!