Okay, all you de-bunkers out there, we are experiencing something very unusual at Old Baptist Cemetery on our tours and I'm hoping someone out there can explain what's happening...
For the past week or so, on each and every evening tour we take to Old Baptist, our guests are coming up with photos that have many, many orbs. The photos are taken at night and only seem to show up on photos that are wide shots of the whole cemetery -- most of the close-up photos I've seen of headstones don't have any orbs. One photos has literally hundreds of orbs!
Here are the conditions at the time these photos have been taken...cool night, usually in the upper 50s...no humidity or moisture in the air (we haven't had any rain for nearly three weeks)...no lights on in the cemetery, no flashlights shining into the photos...nearly a full moon, lots of moonlight in the cemetery...all these photos are taken with different cameras by different people on different nights.
If anyone can de-bunk these photos we'd appreciate it, but if not, WOW, is there a lot of activity in the cemetery! One thought: the reason that Halloween has been celebrated for hundreds of years by different cultures is because it is believed that this time of the year, as the days get shorter, that the "veil" between the living and the dead is at its thinnest point, and this is when it is the easiest to communicate with those who have crossed over. Maybe these orbs really are energy that has become more pronounced as we get closer to the full moon and Halloween!
Let us know what you think!
Special thanks to Penny Monroe, Robert Lee, Therese Melnykov, Bob Higgins, Pat Thueme, and the O'Connells for sharing your photos with us!